
Goals of the OIKKA

  • To assist in the growth of the organization, so that more people may come to experience Isshinryu Karate in it's purest form
  • To continue promoting and teaching Isshinryu Karate under the guidance of Master Uezu and in the tradition that he has established
  • To conduct seminars and tournaments on an annual basis to help unify the membership

Our Approach


The Okinawa Isshinryu Karate Kobudo Association was established in 1990 by Master Angi Uezu. As of February 1st, 2007 Master Uezu has appointed Master Christopher Chase as his successor and President of the O.I.K.K.A.  Master Uezu continues to play an active role in the organization and has taken the position of Chairman Emeritus and Special Advisor.

Our Story

What is Isshinryu Karate?

Isshinryu (one heart/one mind) formally introduced in 1953 by founding master Tatsuo Shimabuku of Okinawa, Japan. Soke Shimabuku studied Shorin-Ryu under Master Choki Motobu and later under Master Chotoku Kiyan (Shobayashi-ryu). He enhanced his study with Master Chojun Miyagi (Goju Ryu, breathing techniques) and furthered his study of the bo, sai, tonfa and nunchaku with Master Shinken Taira. Isshinryu utilizes a refined combination of the best of these styles and epitomizes the lightning fast techniques of Okinawan Karate and Kobu-do.


The officers of the OIKKA work to assist in the growth of the organization, so that more people may come to experience Isshinryu Karate in its purest form.


Grand Master Angi Uezu

Chairman Emeritus & Special Advisor

Master Uezu was Master Shimabuku's number one student, and trained with the founder of Isshinryu karate on a daily basis for over 17 years.


Grand Master Christopher Chase

President, Personal Representative of Master Uezu

Hanshi Chase studied as a protege of Grand Master Angi Uezu and taught in Japan for over 10 years


Grand Master John Devine - Vice President, Competition Programs Facilitator
Grand Master Reese Rigby - Vice President, Instructor Program Facilitator
Grand Master Harumi Suzuki - Vice President, Training, Conditioning Facilitator

Grand Master Nick Adler - Advisor, Special Projects

Master Howard Steele - Chief Director of Operations

Committee Members

Master Carlos Alvear

Master Derek Bennati

Master Joao Costa

Master Charlie Michels

Master Ed Powers

Master Angie Spencer

Master Bill Strong

Master Takanobu Imai Sugiyama


Join the OIKKA...

Take the first step in joining the OIKKA by completing our online application.